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发布时间:2016-09-30 13:58:30 阅读:6133


    太赫兹研发网讯  在电子科技大学六十周年校庆之际,9月28日,从哥本哈根召开的第41届“国际红外毫米波-太赫兹会议(IRMMW-THz)”上传来喜讯,中国科学院院士、电子科技大学老校长刘盛纲教授荣获由国际红外毫米波太赫兹学会颁发的该领域最高奖—— “杰出贡献奖”,以表彰其在本领域的杰出成就和突出贡献。这无疑又为电子科大建校六十周年添上浓墨重彩的一笔。


    该奖项对获奖者的要求极为严苛,只有获得过该领域“K.J.巴顿奖(K.J.Button)”、主持过“国际红外毫米波-太赫兹会议(IRMMW-THz) ”、且是该会议国际组织委员会成员(IOC member)的科学家才可获此提名,并最终由该委员会通过无记名投票选出。刘盛纲院士此次获奖,是迄今为止国际上获得该奖的第三人、中国第一人。

    该领域“杰出贡献奖”的先决条件之一——“K.J.巴顿奖(K J Button Medal and Prize)”,每年只颁给一位在红外毫米波-太赫兹领域作出原创性贡献的杰出科学家,有该领域诺贝尔奖之称。我国科学家中,刘盛纲院士、沈学础院士和著名物理学家朱国瑞教授曾获得过该奖项。




Prof. Shenggang Liu’s Speech in the 41 International Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Conference

Dear Mr. Chairman, Mr. Peter Siegel, and my dear colleagues and friends, good evening!

Since 1979, the first time I attended this conference till now, it has been 37 years. For 37 years through this convention, I have made and have been making many new friends. Through these friends, I have made many strong, international relationships and started many international cooperations that have resulted in many high achievements. I feel very happy. Today, the IRMMW-THz conference has awarded me with the 2016 Exceptional Service Award. It is of my greatest honor to receive this award this year. At the same time, my university is celebrating its 60th anniversary in Chengdu. This made it a very difficult decision for me to choose which event to attend. I truly wish our new technology like 3-D printing, VR technology, and AR technology can help me attend both of these important events at the same time. But the technology we have now cannot do so. I believe we are not far in time from developing this technology. In order to make this happen, our Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Technology will play a major role in it. High speed, high capacity, and highly secured information transmission is what we are working towards.

Sixty years ago as a 24 year old assistant professor and a PhD student, I came to Chengdu to attend UESTC in order to continue my education and research. Since then, I have been working, doing research, and teaching in this university for 60 years. The year of 1956, UESTC was established in Chengdu. At that time, the major industry and production in Chengdu was candle-making. 60 years have past, UESTC has deeply influenced the city in its development. They have been constantly contributing ideas and knowledge to the city. Chengdu has become the most important information-technology development city in China and West Asia. The electrical information technology industry has made the city develop very quickly. Many of the top 500 companies in the world have moved to Chengdu to set up their business there. I feel so proud of the accomplishments of Chengdu. Also, this city has become my hometown. I got married in the city, my two sons were born and raised in this city, and my wife, older son and daughter-in-law graduated from UESTC. Now, my younger son teaches at UESTC. Since 1979, I have been introducing my new friends from the conferences, over the years, to come to this city and UESTC. Many of them are here today and we have been working together, doing research, and cooperating for this city and this university’s development. We have done a lot. On behalf of the university, myself, my family, and the city, I want to say thank you.

Today, to be receiving this award, I feel very honored. I believe that this award is not only for myself, but for all scientists that I have worked with. Through our work, we can see that electrical information technology has been developed to benefit our society and our normal lives, to make our life more comfortable, efficient, and more joyful. As well as this, it has created more job opportunities. I would like to share a story. A couple of days ago, I had a problem with my cellphone, so I live-chatted with costumer service of the communications company. After they helped me solve my problem, I felt very satisfied with their service. I asked the service worker to give me a phone number that would allow me to call him to express my thanks, but he told me that he was deaf. He accepted my gratitude. This story showed us, the electrical information technology development has brought many opportunities to the handicapped people. They can now work as normal people. I feel very heartfelt about this new opportunity. Also I would like to share with everyone, the research group that I am leading in UESTC has two science websites. One is the Terahertz Technology Website of China. The other one is, Terahertz Science and Technology International Online Magazine. Today I can tell everyone, the chief technical and maintenance worker is handicapped. His name is Mr. Yangping. His outstanding work has been very successful. This shows that the technology development has provided our handicapped friends with more opportunities and good changes. I believe this is our purpose of the science technology improvement.

Mr. Chairman, Mr. Peter Siegel, and my colleagues and friends, let me express my thanks to the you all for 37 years of continual support and help. Today, everybody can see my young colleagues and students coming to this conference just as I once did 37 years ago. To have worked and built a strong friendship with all of you has been wonderful. Let’s work together to create an even brighter future than now. Thank you very much.


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